Pressing On in Pressing Times

How Thought Leaders can Help Lead Thoughts in a Positive Direction

Many of us are feeling squeezed by pressures from all sides right now during this Coronavirus situation. There is a sense of hopelessness and panic in the world that is palpable in the atmosphere around us. As entrepreneurs, we already deal with a high level of pressure and stress from daily decision-making and juggling all the moving parts involved in running our own businesses.

People are looking to us for answers. People are depending on us for their pay-checks or the goods and services they need. It’s a heavy load for us mere mortals! Well, we entrepreneurs may be mortals, but we are a crazy breed of humans that often lead the way where others don’t dare to tread! We’re used to getting knocked down many times and getting back into the ring for another punch! We don’t give up easy!

Now is the time to use all that fighting spirit to fight the good fight against the panic that wants to rule the world. Let’s use our position as leaders to be a good example of pressing forward even if it looks like we might slip backwards for awhile!

I want to use my position and platform to continue to encourage you in the things I always encourage. I have been in a hopeless situation before financially. I made such a big mistake, lost all my savings and wound up in a debt I didn’t know if I could ever get out of. Pain and regret ate at me every time I looked at the mess I was in that was my own fault. How did I deal with that situation and get to where I am now?

I worked on my mindset. I looked to other thought leaders that have been through hell and high-water and come out on the other side. I started following the principles that carried them out of tough situations and into their dreams. I borrowed the frameworks of thinking that others used to build their success.

When times are tough, we need to depend on these rock-solid foundational principles more than ever.

Here are 8 solid things that have benefitted me that we need to use even more than ever:

• Thankfulness and appreciation

Don’t get focused on the loss or things you can’t do right now, rather focus on all the good things you still have. Take stock of all the blessings and resources in your life. Do this every time you’re tempted to worry. Actually, just keep doing it and worry won’t have a place in your mind!

• Generosity

The antidote to fear and hoarding is giving. The most important time to be generous is when you don’t have much. Generosity is a key to freedom in our finances and our character. Being generous is about more than just giving money – it’s an attitude where we give of ourselves and time, abilities and resources, love and encouragement. Be super generous with your smiles right now – people need to see a happy face – there’s lots of grumpy people causing issues especially to those in the service industry!

• Speak positively

Don’t get caught talking about all the negative stuff! Speak encouraging things to yourself and to others – especially children who are very susceptible to the fear coming from the adults right now. They need to be assured that they have a hope and a future that is good.

• Redeem the time

my book The Power of TODAY² talks about not putting important things off till later and if something’s worth doing – do it now! We never know what time we have left – do the best and wisest things with the time you have.

• Serve others

One of the things bothering most people right now is the selfishness being manifested because of all the fear. I always say that we need to do things for the benefit of others and never at the cost of them. Instead of only looking to your own problems, see what you can do to help someone else. Bring an elderly neighbour or single mom some food or toilet paper, or something!

• Make decisions based on your values, not your fears
It can be tempting to make decisions based on fear of lack in the future and the chaos happening now. Panic makes us do stupid things. There are some people out there that are going to deeply regret their actions in the future as their foolishness goes viral in social media. Take a minute to breathe and remember that most of life, even in bad times, is what we make of it, and how we choose to deal with things. We can lose a lot, but let’s never lose our integrity. The values we know to be important are the only firm foundation in troubled times.
• Guard your mind
A great way to guard your mind is to fill it with good content. Make sure you are consuming media in books, online, etc., that is going to build you up and encourage you. For those of you in the Christian faith, like myself – read your Bible and pray!
• Keep dreaming big and keep working for your dreams!
even if you’ve taken a hit or having some setbacks, DON’T GIVE UP! Whether you have to work at home or whatever, make sure you are still setting goals and take every opportunity to create and work on the plans for the future.

The reality is that crazy, hopeless looking situations have happened over the ages. Just remember – ‘And this too shall pass’. The best thing right now is to try to stay hopeful and optimistic and pass on that hope to others! Wherever and whenever possible spread some good news and encourage those around you!

I hope and pray you will stay safe and stay hopeful in this trying time.

Looking forward to good things ahead,

Let’s keep doing this!

Jae Park


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